Burning Crime Scene Fibers

This week in science we were working on Forensic Science. Also figuring out who was the murder of Sandy Beach. We were all very excited about the different kinds of testing we were doing too. When we were investigating the crime scene we saw red fibers on top of the body. We took those and started to test them. Before we tested them we interviewed the suspects. When we interviewed them they were all wearing red of some kind or had red in their rooms. Next, we took samples from all of the articles of clothing. Now we have red fibers from Kenny Holdit, Stanley Wings, Vera Cruise, Heidi Seekie, and Carie Oaky. Next Shane gave us these papers to observe what the fibers did when it was in the flame. The questions were did it have a smell when it was in flame. How did the fiber feel after it was burned and how did the fiber react to the flame. The first fiber my group burned was Kenny Holdit. We had a little tea candle and people lit it with a match. I HATE fire so I stood far away from that flame. They lit the candle and we had these clamper things to hold the fiber so we did not burn ourselves. Maddy went first and when Kenny fiber was in flame it was kind of a calm reaction. It felt ashy and it also stunk really bad. The group next to us could smell it more than we could and told us it was a really bad smell. We burnt all of the fibers filled out the paper and the fiber that was most similar to the crime scene was STANLEY WINGS. Stanley Wings is very suspicious but that was not the end of the testing. We also looked at them under a microscope Stanleys fiber looked like clumpy snakes and so did the crime scene fiber. They all looked very different except for those two. Carie Oakys fiber was like plastic ribbon and looked like shredded twirlers and a spaghetti noodle. They were all very interesting to test and I still think it is STANLEY.


3 Questions

*Would Forensic Scientists tackle a fiber test the same way or a different .way that we don’t know about?

*What kind of equipment do forensic scientists have for testing evidence?

*Is there a specific place forensic scientists test information?

One thought on “Burning Crime Scene Fibers

  1. You are so descriptive! I love your blogs:). I hope the fire didn’t scare you too much. I think forensic scientists would use a similar technique and probably others as well. Forensic scientists use all kinds of equipment to look at crime scenes. The big lab for Michigan forensic science testing is in Gaylord which is about 2 hours away from here.

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